
Attorney Brent Wisner – Winning Against Monsanto and Big Pharma

Brent Wisner is a Vice President and a Senior Shareholder at the national law firm Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman overseeing mass tort litigation, specifically focusing on pharmaceutical product liability, toxic torts, and consumer fraud class actions.

Brent has achieved multiple verdicts totaling $2.4 billion, including Roundup causing cancer case against Monsanto, and has negotiated mass tort settlements in excess of $1 billion.

Brent and I take a deep dive into the corruption in government regulatory agencies like the FDA, which are supposed to protect the public from harm, but in reality, exist to serve the interests of billion-dollar corporations.

We also discuss his high-profile lawsuits against Monsanto for the cancer-causing herbicide Roundup, against GlaxoSmithKline for cancer-causing NDMA in Zantac, and against Takeda and Eli Lilly for bladder-cancer-causing diabetes drug Actos.

Brent is a brilliant and courageous attorney who has represented thousands of cancer patients against pharmaceutical corporations. I deeply appreciate the work he’s doing. This interview is mind-blowing. Enjoy!

Watch our interview below, or listen to it on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes or Spotify.

Show Notes

-The corruption and manipulation of our regulatory system [3:02]

-Is the FDA really protecting consumers? [8:15]

-An aspirin a day may not keep the doctor away [14:40]

-Most pharmaceuticals don’t get to the root cause of disease [16:38]

-You must take personal responsibility for your lifestyle [18:25]

-Chris explains “magic-bullet medicine” [20:09]
-Most drug marketing money is spent to influence doctors to prescribe [22:38]
-The “science-based, evidence-based medicine” ruse [23:51]

-The Zantac lawsuit for cancer-causer NDMA [25:25]

-Patients are not fully informed of the effects of chemotherapy [33:00]

-Big Pharma’s fines for criminal activity don’t impact their profits [38:34]

-The Roundup cancer litigation against Bayer/Monsanto [48:00]

-Be sure to read your labels and question your doctors [52:18]

Links from the interview:

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