Pharma News

AstraZeneca, Ionis Expand Eplontersen Agreement

New deal to focus on commercialization efforts in Latin America.

After initially granting AstraZeneca the rights to eplontersen, an investigational antisense medicine that reduces the production of transthyretin protein (TTR) to treat transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) outside of the US, Ionis Pharmaceuticals has announced a new deal to expand the collaboration to Latin America. With the agreement in place, the companies will continue to jointly develop and commercialize eplontersen in the US.

Under terms of the deal, AstraZeneca paid Ionis $20 million to license eplontersen in Latin America, with the potential to earn up to $3.6 billion n milestone and other payments.

“The positive clinical results from our Phase 3 Neuro-TTRansform study, combined with eplontersen’s self-administration profile, reinforce eplontersen’s potential to be an important and differentiated new treatment option for patients with ATTR,” said Brett P. Monia PhD, CEO, Ionis. “With FDA review of eplontersen for ATTR polyneuropathy already underway and plans to file for regulatory approval in the EU and other countries later this year, today’s agreement underscores our shared commitment to ensuring that this much needed treatment is made available to patients around the world.”

Reference: Ionis expands eplontersen agreement with AstraZeneca to include exclusive rights in Latin America. PR Newswire. July 28, 2023, Accessed August 1, 2023.

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