AI Enhances Breast Cancer Screening Efficacy

as effectively as professional radiologists. This cutting-edge technology might reduce radiologists’ workload by roughly 50%, freeing them up to do more complex diagnostic procedures.
A early review of a long-term trial involving 80,000 women in Sweden, which was released on Tuesday in the journal Lancet Oncology, revealed that mammography readings by artificial intelligence (AI) really discovered 20% more incidences of breast cancer than the “standard” reading by two radiologists.
As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that applying AI to mammography screening is a “safe” strategy to shorten patient wait times. It also ease the burden on radiologists in the face of a global scarcity of radiologists.
Significance of AI Application in Breast Cancer Screening
By ensuring that breast cancer is discovered sooner, when it is more curable, may ultimately reduce the mortality rate from breast cancer.
The results of this study are consistent with recent studies that suggest AI may aid in the early or more precise detection of cancer in people, thereby improving patient outcomes.
Additionally, the AI model gave radiologists data from the preliminary screening to aid in their accurate interpretation of mammograms. Women were urged to return for additional testing if the mammograms were flagged as abnormal (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
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Early screening also plays a huge role in recovery because it has high chances for cure in initial stages.
Concerns Regarding AI in Breast Cancer Screening
The AI-supported screening may over diagnose or miss malignancies that pose little danger to patients while finding more cancers.
The study found that tests carried out with AI’s assistance found more “in situ” tumors, or malignant cells that haven’t spread yet and may turn out to be low-grade. This might cause people to over-treat conditions that aren’t actually a hazard, such as by having mastectomies, or the surgical removal of one or both breasts.
The inability to evaluate if AI-supported screenings are more effective at spotting malignancies in particular groups than others is another drawback. This is because the study did not collect information on the race and ethnicity of the patients.
It may take some time before mammograms can be read by a machine, according to specialists who have cautioned that more training and testing of AI models are needed before they can be utilized in healthcare settings.
Even Though there are numerous raised concerns regarding the usage of AI screening, given that breast cancer is the “world’s most prevalent cancer,” this would be a tremendous victory.
References :
- Breast Cancer Screening (PDQ®)-Patient Version – (
- Breast cancer – (
Source: Medindia
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