Pharma News

A new flame – PharmaTimes

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, digitisation can transform pharma’s quest to improve mental health outcomes

Britain is facing a mental health emergency and new solutions must ignite a new era of care. Waiting lists for treatment continue to grow as the NHS struggles to cope with the amount of people seeking support, with nearly a quarter of people waiting more than 12 weeks to receive care due to the shortage of mental health professionals.

The digitisation of treatment and support pathways, however, offer health services and the wider industry, including pharmaceutical stakeholders, a viable way to widen access to good quality mental health care, whilst also increasing the impact of treatments for patients.

Digital treatment modalities incorporating online therapies, mobile apps and wearable devices are gaining wider recognition in the UK as a forward-thinking treatment option – with online digital treatment methods recently gaining approval by NICE to be used for conditions such as PTSD, anxiety and depression to help over 40,000 people nationally.

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