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A biotech ‘tuning’ the genome for a potentially safer gene therapy

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Welcome to today’s Biotech Spotlight, a series featuring companies creating breakthrough technologies and products. Today, we’re looking at Tune Therapeutics, a preclinical biotech pioneering a next-generation genetic therapy by tuning the epigenome.

In focus with: Lucas Thompson, senior director of the ex vivo program at Tune Therapeutics

Tune Therapeutics’ vision: Tune launched in 2021 with $40 million in funding and is one of several companies — including Chroma Medicine and Epic Bio — riding a wave of investor enthusiasm for epigenetic editing. The approach modifies gene expression using the epigenome, a system of marks that provide instructions for how DNA is read and used. By modifying these marks, epigenetic editing can alter gene expression while leaving the underlying DNA untouched. Touted as a safer and more precise way to carry out genetic therapy, it could help treat a broad variety of diseases, from cancer and autoimmune diseases to chronic health conditions.

“The premise of our vision is to leverage our genetic tuning technology platform in ways that uniquely address unmet medical needs across various indications,” Thompson said. “We have the potential to address a large number of disease settings.”

Why it matters: Epigenetic editing is an alternative to CRISPR-enabled gene editing, which has some critical drawbacks. Gene editing technologies that snip and splice strands of DNA may accidentally insert dangerous, permanent errors into a patient’s genetic sequence. Genetic tuning through epigenetics could wield similar power with less risk.

Tune’s Tempo platform adjusts the epigenome, not just turning genes on or off but acting as a dimmer switch, turning down genes stirring up trouble or amplifying others to reverse a deficiency.

“Instead of addressing genetic issues in disease by causing DNA breaks, we can go in and tune the genes using natural mechanisms — we harness endogenous gene regulatory networks in a controlled, targeted manner,” Thompson said. “This means we can avoid unintended consequences of some of the other modalities of either knocking in are knocking out genes that can break DNA and cause issues with recombination and other sort of mutational genomic toxicities.”

“It is really difficult or impossible to achieve these types of outcomes with other modalities.”

Lucas Thompson

Senior director, ex vivo program, Tune Therapeutics

A more precise mechanism also allows the company to simultaneously target multiple gene pathways, opening the door to treating complex conditions that were previously out of reach, Thompson said. Other technologies can also carry out multiple modifications, but this increases the risk of potentially dangerous translocations. Tune’s process does not.

“This is really unique, this ability to go up and down with genes in the same cell, and this can unlock some very complex mechanisms that control cell cellular behavior,” Thompson said. “It is really difficult or impossible to achieve these types of outcomes with other modalities.”

A major milestone: Tune’s technology cleared a major hurdle in May when the company revealed its success modifying a well-known gene target called PCSK9, which can elevate levels of artery-clogging LDL-cholesterol in the blood. The goal was to show that epigenetic editing could alter this gene’s expression and lower cholesterol in animal models.

Researchers performed a single infusion of the Tempo epi-repressor targeting the gene using a lipid nanoparticle and not only dropped cholesterol levels by 56% but repressed the PCSK9 gene for four months. Company officials said this provided validation for the field by showing that epigenetic editing can durably modify gene expression in non-human primates. However, researchers are still tracking how long this effect will last.

How the technology will be used: “We’re still in a range of discovery and preclinical stages across multiple programs. At this point, we aren’t disclosing our pipeline,” Thompson said, noting that although Tune yet to announce clinical targets, the company is hoping to move rapidly toward a preclinical development candidate.

“Once we start working toward candidates for any kind of indication, the process of discovery, and getting to develop a candidate is pretty quick,” he said. “We do have candidates that are fairly advanced in that process.”

The program will likely use two major therapeutic approaches, including direct gene modulation in patients.

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