
1st Jurisdiction in Australia to Offer Free Access to Abortions

According to government estimates, the program will cost A$4.6 million ($3 million) over the next four years.

It makes the ACT the first of Australia’s eight states and territories to offer free abortions, with patients in the rest of the country facing out-of-pocket costs of up to A$700.


ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said the government was proud to offer the critical healthcare service without significant stress and financial impact.

Free Abortion in Australia

“We’re really proud that the ACT is becoming the first jurisdiction to provide people with free surgical and medical abortions for anyone who needs it, up to 16 weeks,” she was quoted by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Thursday.

It comes after a survey conducted by the territory’s peak body for women’s health, Women’s Health Matters (WHM), uncovered significant barriers for Canberrans seeking abortions.

Of 90 people who participated in the survey, 12 were unable to access an abortion in the ACT.

“We’ve learned through our research how different barriers work together to make it really challenging to access what is a time-sensitive medical procedure,” WHM chief executive Lauren Anthes said.

Source: IANS

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