Pharma News

10 of our most read articles in 2023

PharmaVoice’s top articles of 2023 fell right in line with many of the news cycle’s biggest trends — and several of these storylines will stay in the headlines into the New Year. 

For example, the biotech market’s recovery from its ongoing slump will be a major question hanging over 2024. Although stocks for certain companies have rallied in recent months, analysts are skeptical of a wider market rebound for now, unless M&A can deliver a much needed boost to the sector next year. 

Meanwhile, former biopharma entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy continues to make waves on the presidential campaign trail. The Republican contender recently held more than 40 campaign events in a single week and has stood out for his brash, anti-establishment approach to major issues in healthcare and business. But many of 2024’s early primaries will be a critical test for Ramaswamy, who’s facing stagnant poll numbers in key states. 

In addition to these narratives, our list of 2023’s most-read stories showcases many of pharma’s other noteworthy challenges such as the looming patent cliff and the changing COVID-19 market. But it also reveals opportunities around emerging therapeutics and R&D’s shifting landscape. 

Most of all, PharmaVoice remains centered around the people, and the most inspiring and innovative leaders the industry has to offer.

Here’s a look at the most read articles this year.

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