
Revolutionizing Amyloidosis Care in India

Amrita Hospital in Kochi, India’s first Center of Excellence for the evaluation and treatment of patients with suspected or established amyloidosis, has opened. The Amrita Amyloid Center brings together a multidisciplinary team of professionals to provide comprehensive care for all kinds of systemic amyloidosis, including ATTR, AL, AA, and less prevalent variations.

Bringing Multidisciplinary Expertise Together for Comprehensive Care of Amyloidosis

During the recent Amrita Amyloid Symposium, Dr Ron Witteles, co-director of the Stanford Amyloid Centre, stated, “The Amrita Amyloid Center is a great opportunity to expand the reach of disease diagnosis and treatment. The time has come. Amyloidosis is still a relatively unknown condition. There are numerous new diagnostic methods, expanding therapy alternatives, and an increase in clinical trials. It is also multidisciplinary. To provide the greatest care possible, we must collaborate with people from several disciplines. The future seems promising, as the results will continue to improve.”

A Milestone in Healthcare: India’s First Amyloid Center of Excellence

The Amrita Amyloid Center is an important milestone in healthcare since it is the first amyloid center of excellence in India to offer comprehensive investigative and therapeutic facilities, with a mission to become the region’s amyloid research hub. While Amrita institution celebrates its 25th anniversary, Dr. Hisham Ahamed, Department of Cardiology, Amrita Hospital, Kochi, remarks that the launch is critical as the institution continues to shift the entire dynamic of healthcare delivery in Kerala and India at large.

Expanding Knowledge and Treatment Options for Amyloidosis

“Amyloidosis is not as uncommon as it was once thought to be in India.” Because it is a multisystemic disease, patients frequently do not receive the correct diagnosis at the appropriate time. The primary benefit of having a dedicated and specialized advanced amyloid center of excellence is having all of the knowledge under one coherent service. As a result, patients can be treated in an organized and thorough manner, similar to Amyloid Centers in Europe and North America. We have had an active amyloid working group for the past three years, which is coordinated by haemato-oncology and cardiology. We have everything we need to conduct a comprehensive multi-disciplinary evaluation on an amyloid patient or suspected amyloid patient. “The process also entails consistently risk stratifying patients, aided by cutting-edge investigational tools that enable the delivery of standard of care,” he explained.

Overcoming Misdiagnosis Challenges With Specialized Amyloid Care in India

Amyloidosis is a group of disorders caused by the misfolding, aggregation, and accumulation of particular proteins in tissues, culminating in amyloid deposits, which are aberrant protein aggregates (1 Trusted Source

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). Amrita Hospital has diagnosed roughly 150 individuals with amyloidosis in the last fourteen years. Given the disease’s intricacy, most patients receive treatment at an advanced stage. Better patient outcomes can be achieved through early and precise diagnosis, as well as timely care.

Comprehensive Services for Amyloidosis Patients: Clinical to Research

The Amrita Amyloid Center provides a wide range of clinical and investigative services, including detailed clinical assessments, comprehensive hematological investigations, advanced cardiac imaging facilities, technetium pyrophosphate scintigraphy, genomic testing, mass spectrometry facilities, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, and cutting-edge research.

Setting the Regional Standard: Amrita Hospital’s Amyloid Research Hub

“Amrita is now equipped to provide comprehensive investigational and therapeutic facilities, as well as a mandate to become the regional epicenter of amyloid research.” We also use an interdisciplinary approach, with cardiology and hematology departments working together for several years in partnership with other specialties to provide the best care possible to patients. Our care pathway is well structured. As a result, early detection and treatment can be delivered,” explained Dr. Neeraj Siddharthan, Professor of Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation at Amrita Hospital in Kochi.

With the inauguration of the Amrita Amyloid Center, the Amrita Hospital, with its dedication to providing world-class healthcare, has once again set a new standard in patient care.


  1. Amyloidosis – (

Source: Medindia

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